As girls, no matter our age, we all struggle with the common heart issues of the flesh. Girl Talk Ministries exists to equip moms and girls to overcome sin, struggle and hardship through a relationship with Jesus and God’s powerful grace, therefore living the abundant and joyful life that Jesus came to give us. It’s where we learn to be our best, despite our circumstances, by walking and talking with Jesus and Holy Spirit every moment of every day.

A Christ-centered community for girls and moms: equipping through relationship with Jesus and each other; aligning our lives with Biblical truth in who Jesus is and our identity in Him; growing to be all we are created to be in Him through Holy Spirit in us; overcoming sin, struggle and hardship, as we walk and talk with Jesus and Holy Spirit every day…

Growing closer to Jesus

…as we grow closer to each other.

equipping moms and girls to overcome sin, struggle and hardship

through a relationship with Jesus and God’s powerful grace,

therefore living the abundant and joyful life that Jesus came to give us.


    “Girl Talk has been the absolute best way for me to find a strong group of girls who have the same core values as I do. Girl Talk was an escape from my normal bubble of friends and truly helped me come out of my shell. I am so grateful for Girl Talk for it helped me form some of my favorite friendships. It also put in perspective that when I was at Girl Talk the focus was about me and Jesus and how to strengthen my relationship with Him and not get pulled into the traps of satan in our world today.”


    “Girl Talk has been awesome over the middle school and high school years for my daughters! I love that they get to learn and study God’s Word together and meet new girls. It has been so impactful!!! It is so important to have mentors and older girls to see and follow as great role models in those middle and high school years. I am so thankful for Girl Talk!!!”


    “I started Girl Talk the year we did it virtually. I enjoyed getting to see the rest of the girls, especially in a time when contact was limited. We zoomed and did the studies and then at the end of the summer, we did the annual paint fight. It was something that truly brought me joy during a hard time. This past summer, the Lord led me to be a small group leader for the girls in my city, and I think it grew me as much as, or even more than, the younger girls. Getting to watch them grow in their faith together and help them through the middle school and early high school troubles was really special for me and I have only God and Girl Talk Ministries to thank for that!!!”


    “Girl Talk was the first experience I had with Christian community growing up. It was a place where I could come and knew I would feel closer to Christ when I left. I was always guaranteed to make a new friend each time I went to GT. These girls are people that I have kept up with ever since and I have loved seeing how the Lord has worked in their lives, setting us each on a unique path that He planned for us.”


    “Girl Talk has impacted my life in SO many ways but the key thing it has taught me is the importance and the essential part of doing this life with Jesus - community. Community is the thing that keeps us accountable, a group of people to share your burdens with, and is absolutely crucial in this life of faith. Girl Talk showed me this necessity when I didn’t even know I needed it. I thank Jesus that He stressed the importance of being around other dedicated believers and stirring up affection for Jesus with them, my faith has grown tremendously because of the community of Jesus followers I have found, a community that first started with Girl Talk.”


    “Girl Talk was the first place I learned how to be comfortable and confident in declaring my faith and the love of Jesus to others. I was in a setting where I had an opportunity to meet people I didn’t know or go to school with. It was a group of girls who genuinely wanted to pursue the Lord and learn more about Him and with that one goal in mind, it was so easy to connect and feel loved by people you didn’t know. I am convinced that is why this community has grown so much. It truly has The Gospel at its core and that is something that is so easy to build on because God is at the center of it.”

Start Girl Talk in your city!