SUPPORT Girl Talk Ministries

INVEST in the next generation

MAKE an eternal i m p a c t

learn more about the different giving opportunities below:

Girl Talk Ministries is Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization

“I started Girl Talk the year we did it virtually. I enjoyed getting to see the rest of the girls, especially in a time when contact was limited. We zoomed and did the studies and then at the end of the summer, we did the annual paint fight. It was something that truly brought me joy during a hard time. This past summer, the Lord led me to be a small group leader for the girls in my city, and I think it grew me as much as, or even more than, the younger girls. Getting to watch them grow in their faith together and help them through the middle school and early high school troubles was really special for me and I have only God and Girl Talk Ministries to thank for that!!!” - high school intern

opportunities to give monthly:

  • Disciple A Girl Talk Girl | $50/monthly

    Our heart for Girl Talk is to see every girl fall in love with Jesus and see her worth in Her Savior and to see every mom know her worth and call in being a mom through Jesus. Girl Talk has seen thousands of girls and moms through discipleship and missions together and we are not stopping here! This monthly support will help bring girls and moms in from all over the world.

  • Have a Paint Fight | $25/monthly

    There is no party like a Girl Talk Paint Fight party! From the beginning of Girl Talk in 2013, we have ended our summer with paint fights. Not only is a paint fight fun and messy, our paint fights bring girls who maybe haven't come to Girl Talk and gives us the opportunity to share the Gospel and send our girls back to school on mission to share Jesus where they go!

  • Start A Girl Talk City | $10/monthly

    Girl Talk starts in cities! There are currently 21 Girl Talk cities across the nation. We want a Girl Talk city in every state to experience the Christ-centered community and mother daughter discipleship Girl Talk provides. This monthly sponsorship will help us reach from Jerusalem to Judea to the ends of the earth with Girl Talk cities across the world with moms and girls!

"Girl Talk has been the absolute best way for me to find a strong group of girls who have the same core values as I do. Girl Talk introduced me to girls outside my normal bubble of friends and truly helped me come out of my shell. I am so grateful for Girl Talk! It helped me form some of my favorite friendships. Girl Talk also put into perspective that when I was there, the focus was about me and Jesus and how to strengthen my relationship with Him so that when I am not there, I will not get pulled into the traps of satan in our world today."

— GT girl

invest in the next generation.

we would love for you to give in honor of a girl or mom you love or a woman who has poured into you spiritually

learn more about the giving opportunities:

Invest in the discipleship and growth of a Girl Talk girl!

+ disciple a girl talk girl!

Our heart for Girl Talk is:

  • to see every girl fall in love with Jesus and see her worth in Her Savior

  • to see every mom know her worth and call in being a mom through Jesus

 By investing in the discipleship of a Girl Talk girl, you are investing in:

The Girl Talk Curriculum Heart Issues for finishing, publishing and distributing to:

  • the one girl looking for Jesus in a world that is telling her to choose herself

  • the one girl who has never heard that anyone loves her. 

  • the one girl who has never had her own Bible. 

  • the one girl who is choosing Bible study over gossip. 

  • the one girl who wants to lead Bible Study in high school and college

Time, resources and outsourcing it takes to:​

  • produce podcasts, videos and curriculum

  • train and equip girls to lead the girls around them 

  • come alongside moms to help and equip them to disciple their daughters

  • pour into and invest in girls, leaders and moms every where

Throw a paint fight for a city and bring girls closer to Jesus!

+ have a paint fight!

By sowing into a paint fight, you give the opportunity to:

  • bring girls together who might never meet Jesus, who might never have friends who love Jesus

  • help provide a place for fun, fellowship and friends that bring them closer to Jesus! 

  • share the Gospel with those who have not come to Girl Talk or have not heard about Jesus

  • send our girls back to school on mission to share Jesus where they go

Your $100 a month will help provide a city with:

+ Paint for girls to throw, slip n slide and all the fun!

+ Community of like minded friends who love Jesus!

A fun place for girls to bring their friends who might not know Jesus!

Help a mom or a girl start a city wide Bible study in their community!

+ start a girl talk city!

By sowing into a Girl Talk city you are investing in:

  • a place for girls to find community who will bring her closer to Christ. 

  • moms who open their homes for girls to come in and have a place to belong

  • moms who need to know they are not alone in their call as wife and mom

  • mom and girls who need to know their worth in Jesus in an every changing world that is telling them "do you" and "choose how you identity yourself"

 Your $50 a month does not mean you have to start the city group, but will provide a city with:

+ Biblical resources to bring girls and moms into community

+ A place to belong and connect in friendships across their city 

+ Leaders that disciple and keep her accountable as they journeying with Jesus!

Girl Talk has brought me friends who hold me accountable. Now being in high school, it is so important to have those people, and without Girl Talk, I wouldn’t have any of these girls.
— GT girl and intern
The paint fight is such a fun way to wrap up the summer with one last Bible study as a city and get to meet new girls and bring friends!
— GT girl
Girl Talk has given me an opportunity to see I wasn’t the only girl for God in my school! I had an opportunity to see older girls I looked up to studying the Bible together.
— GT girl and intern

ways to give

Supporting Girl Talk is investing in the next generation—

Girl Talk Ministries is Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization with Dogwood Dreams EIN 92-2368038.

A donation receipt will be sent to you at the email address you provide on this form. Please be sure to keep a copy of your receipt for tax purposes. If you select a recurring donation, you will be sent an individual receipt each month when your donation is processed.