Start Girl Talk in Your City!
Girl Talk started as a living room Bible study with girls who grew up together, in city divided by school, church and sports. With the heart of bringing girls together despite those things and on the foundation of Christ, today Girl Talk is growing in cities and communities for this same reason! As girls, we want and need community, friendship and connection. Whether you are a mom wanting this community for you and your daughter, an older girl wanting to start Girl Talk for your friends or younger girls around you or you are the younger girl and you want to make a difference where you are, bringing Girl Talk to your city is SO FUN and we would love to be a part of the discipleship in your lives, families and city!
Thank you for contacting us! We will be in touch soon! Below are some things you can star thinking through and we will talk with you about!
While you are waiting to hear from us, start thinking about all the moms and girls you know that you want to invite and get together to make Girl Talk happen in your city! We typically start with girls at the end of 5th grade and we have leaders who help us lead beginning after 8th grade through high school and college! We also have high school and college groups that meet regularly in cities across the state.
Friends or younger girls… the girls where you are!
Whoever the Lord is calling you to get together, start getting the word out! This will be a great time for your group to really find out what the Lord is doing through Girl Talk. See who is interested, when everyone is available, where y’all will want to meet! We have groups that meet in homes, coffee shops, parks, etc. We typically like to keep our groups between 8-12 girls!
This is the fun part… we think!
If you are meeting in homes, talk to your mom or the girls’ moms about hosting and providing snacks or think through the snacks you want for your friends! We love making boards, popcorn bars, hot chocolate bars (in the winter), ice cream sundae bars (in the summer), anything your heart desires!
We love studying Heart Issues together! Each semester all of our cities, small groups, girls and moms studying with us all studying from our Girl Talk Heart Issues Curriculum! When we talk with you, we will talk more about how this works and what it looks like for your group. Our Curriculum includes studying on the heart issues we all face as girls, including Worship, Identity, Relationships and Fea.