A Note To Your Girl

Hey beautiful momma... as you are out shopping for all their heart’s desires this week... Think about giving them something that will speak to their heart.
If you need a little help with some words here are some from my heart...feel free to write them on your own pretty paper and stick them on your love’s pillow today. They will soar!
Hey sweet girl, I’m praying for you.. praying God’s Best for you...
Praying that as you watch your friends and all the stuff they get and get to do that you will know that you are just as Loved by The same God that loves them. You are the same.
Your story is just as good as theirs, just in other ways.

Keep pursuing Him and His Righteousness and you will be filled with all His Goodness.
He delights in you.
He rejoices over you.
He is planning all the fun stuff for you.
But He wants you to know Him first.
Because all that fun stuff is worthless if you don’t know it’s coming from The One that knows your deepest hurt and hardest struggle.
It means the most when you know that it comes from a Heart that has watched you give your all so that you can live a life worthy of Him Who gave His all.
And then the sweetness is even more and your thankfulness even deeper because at that point you realize you didn’t even need all that other stuff.
After you met Him
And got to know Him
He was enough.
His Joy.
His Love.
His Presence.
He will always be enough.
Rest baby girl.
You are loved.

Lindsey Curl

Originally from Homewood, Alabama, Lindsey Curl grew up with a single mom. She spent most of her childhood home alone while her mom worked, eating tv "dinners," dreaming of one day having a big home with a big family and lots of kids. Growing up, she saw Jesus through her grandmother and aunts, and though she had Jesus in her life, she knew she wanted what they had. It was not until after college, marriage, moving to a new city, having her first children and moving to another city, that her figurative “heart surgery” really began in 2005. She would see Jesus the way she had always prayed to see Him. Now married to the man of her dreams and mom to ten children, Girl Talk is the dreams she has seen come true in Christ and the calling to bring girls and moms into their dreams come true in Him.




A Bounty of Beauty