Dear friends, I pray 2020 has already brought you incredible joy and life changing encounters with the Holy Spirit. Since God started Girl Talk in 2013, He has been up to big things as we have always praised Him with Ephesians 3:20 "All glory to God Who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask, think or imagine." 

At the end of 2018, God began stirring in my heart a time for change. As I continued to seek Him and His plan, I spent most of 2019 quiet with Him, His Word and a small, tight circle of wise counselors. I spent time questioning His Call on my life, my willingness to go and knowing His Grace through it all. A few months ago, He made it abundantly clear that He has much bigger plans for Girl Talk than I was allowing Him to do. Beginning in September, one after another, God began laying on the hearts of several moms across Alabama, unrelated to each other, to reach out about Girl Talk coming to their cities. 

Together with a lot of prayers and a lot seeking first His Kingdom, the Lord has called me back to solely focus full time on Girl Talk Ministries in discipleship, missions, writing and speaking. In the next few months, we will be launching in five cities and by this summer we will have Girl Talk in all six cities- Andalusia, Auburn, Enterprise, Huntsville, Lowndes and Montgomery.

We are also working on a lot of new projects including more discipleship, more missions, more ministry with moms, high school ministry, internships, more writing and more cities. We cannot wait to see what the Lord has planned and all He is going to do in 2020 and beyond! We are so thankful to have you on this journey with us.

Thank you so much for supporting me, loving me, trusting me and walking with me all of these years. You and your families mean the world to me and Girl Talk would not be where it is without all of you. Wherever you are on your journey with us, I am so thankful for you. Some of you have been with us from the beginning and some are just now starting, I pray you will continue with us as we seek the Lord together as you pray with us and for us.

In this full time venture, I will be seeking the Lord for full support. He has continued to show me Matthew 6:33 "Seek first the Kingdom of God and these things will be provided for you." I know the Lord will provide in all things. If you feel led to help financially support our ministry, you can donate throughPayPal.me/girltalkministries right now. In the coming months, we will have more info on monthly support and ways to set up reoccurring donations if you would like to support us in this way. I would love to talk with you or grab coffee with anyone who would like to know more about what the Lord is doing. Thank you so much in advance for partnering with us and praying for us!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Amy Smith

Founder and Leader of Girl Talk Ministries



Be Careful Little Eyes


A Note To Your Girl