Kiss the Wave

“I have learned to kiss the wave that slammed me into the rock.” Charles Spurgeon

Getting up lately has been a struggle for me. And this morning, I had a feeling someone needed to know that and hear it because you are struggling too.

In her book Fiercely Loved, Lisa Bevere explains how Charles Spurgeon is not referring to the rocky coastline but to Christ the Rock. She says, “Each day is a new opportunity to determine how we will respond to life’s waves.”

We have been studying a lot about Michael Hyatt’s Full Focus system. His method to “win life” is to have your big three. I start with my big three overall and then break those down for what it looks like monthly, weekly, daily as needed. This is how I have started determining my response to life’s waves before they come.

But it wasn’t until the other night when talking through this that I remembered the two questions that not just have the potential to bring someone to Christ, but should really frame our big three and daily lives.

1. If you died tonight, where will you spend eternity?

If your answer is Heaven, right now on earth, Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Colossians 3:2 should all frame your outlook and mindset. Because if ANY THING you are doing has no eternal value, the Bible says moth and vermin will destroy and thieves will break in and steal. You will never be satisfied. You will never have enough. You are working for the passing away world. 1 John 2:16-17

Also, if your answer is Heaven, then one day when standing in front of God, Jesus will stand in front of you because He died for your sins and you confessed Him as your Lord and Savior. But the Bible also says we will have a second judgment. (2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Corinthians 3:12, Revelation 3:11, Hebrews 6:10)

This is when God will say, something a long the lines of, I have heard it said this way best, “What did you do with My Son?”

Not for Him.

What did you do WITH Him?

I could see Him now. We have all had that moment where we have given our everything. We have gone full in, all of it on the line planning a trip, planning a surprise, planning a party, planning just a day out and then our friends don’t show up or they don’t want to go or they don’t enjoy it.

Since Covid, my love language has become quality time with the people I’m closest to. I still love words 100% and words or lack of words are still probably the way to cut me deepest. But I have realized anyone can say words but when someone spends time with you and wants you there, that just hits different.

I was crushed thinking of my Daddy standing there Who gave His All for me and what if I had nothing to say back to Him lovingly, sweetly asking, “what did you do with Jesus?” And saying well life kind of got hard, so I just kind of did what I wanted to do and went where I wanted to go. I guess He was there and sometimes I would see Him or talk to Him, if things got really bad. If I didn’t have anywhere else to go. Oh! I saw him once a week at church and I waved, put my hands up… you know, I didn’t ignore Him.”

It’s almost like as parent, one kid is on a trip, and there is no way for them to get home, unless your other child goes to get them. They’re in jail, or a hospital or drowning. (You are not panicking because you know they are going to be fine.) So you send your other child down to get them, not just to save them but with EVERY THING they need (2 Peter 1:3-4). When they get home, your child brings in the lost, now saved, child and you are so happy to see them. You ask, “what did y’all do together?” And the one who was stranded said, “oh yeah he got me out but then I just kept doing my own thing because I had my own plans and we didn’t really do anything together.”

Our relationship with Jesus should be our first thought, our first go to, our first strength, our first response, our first choice. Our relationship with Jesus is for everything to flow from and for everything to flow into. Walking WITH Jesus is our lifeline. When today is a struggle, crawl into your space with Him, kiss the wave that slammed you into The Rock and thank God Jesus is the Rock and not shifting sand. And stand there in Him.

The more you continue to operate without Him, the more waves are going to continue slamming you. Instead of going back with the waves, getting tossed in the riptide and pulled by the current, secure yourself to The Rock. One day you will wake up and realize you’re standing in Victory on top of THE ROCK!

”Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the Right Hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, Who is your Life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in Glory… since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in The Image of its Creator.“ ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬

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Amy Cate

Originally from Pike Road, Alabama, Amy Cate grew up with bare feet and a bow in her hair. She spent most of her childhood playing outside with her neighbors, making forts, shooting basketball, swinging her bat or driving her golf cart as the neighborhood shuttle. At nine years old, she met Jesus in the woods at summer camp and she is convinced everything good happens outside. In September 2004, life as she knew it changed with one diagnosis and six months later, her dad and Prince Charming met Jesus face to face. Middle school started a few months later and she spent the next several years wondering where she would belong in a world not made for her. Girl Talk is the discovery of belonging in Christ and the dream and calling to bring girls and moms into that same belonging in having Jesus as their best friend.


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