Ending 20 with 68

I don’t know how 20 could have ended any better.

Tonight, I was blessed to witness an answered prayer. An answered prayer of many and a long time prayer of mine. Answered. God started His ministry tonight called 68 Huddle and He is letting me have a small part in helping Him create it! My God is an awesome God to give me such great seats to all HE does! ALL GLORY TO GOD! ALL GLORY TO HIM!

“All glory to God, Who is able, through His Mighty Power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20 

Every single thing that Mr. Mike said tonight was incredible. I wish you all could have heard it! If those boys will put to action what he said, this city will change. One of the things that stood out to me the most is what he said when he was talking about deleting things off our phones and sending things from them.

He said “When you delete something what does it ask you?” “Are you sure?”

“When you send something does it ask you that?” Nope.

We have to have a built in “Are you sure?” button because satan is going to do everything he can to make sure we don’t think twice about making a mistake. One boy even said, when Mr. Mike asked why it didn’t ask when trying to send, that it was satan. satan doesn’t ever want us to have the opportunity to think about the mistake we’re about to make because we might not make it. We have to surround ourselves with people who lift us up. We have to get into the Word. We have to have someone who we can talk to when things get rough. We can’t make it through life without any of that.

Year 20 has been a fantastic year! I remember so not wanting to turn 20. But I saw so much at 20 years old. (as I recapped in my new years post)  I saw heart break and I saw complete joy! Girl Talk busted records out of the roof! Lives were changed! We became a statewide ministry! Working at First Baptist has given me so much knowledge and wisdom! So much love and so many connections! I have struggled, I have lost, I have learned, I have been weak and I have been strong. But I wouldn’t do 20 any other way! I loved every minute of being 20! It’s been a really great year! 68 Huddle made the year that much sweeter! I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my last night of being 20! Many spend it in the bars waiting for midnight when they can have their first drink. Tonight, I am drunk off God and drinking of His Everlasting Love! His Love for me! I cannot wait to see what He has planned next!

We’ll see if 21 can top it off! But with God at the top, He’s always got the best thing coming next!

“Then I heard the Lord asking, Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8


Free in Jesus


Leaving the teens