Leaving the teens
To sum up my teenage years, I would most definitely point to “Do Hard Things” by Alex and Brett Harris. They made my teen years so much easier and so much more challenging than I could ever imagine. Their whole take on life is “The Rebelution: a teenage rebellion against low expectations.” I have heard my whole life “You’re supposed to do that, you’re a teenager” or the absolute WORST “You’re just a teenager,” and “You’re only a teenager.” Scratch on chalkboards for days before you say that to me. “Do Hard Things” changed my life. If you have a teenager or you are a teenager, I suggest this book to you 3,000 times.
Did you know the world teenager is not in Bible? The word isn’t even really that old. Most children went from childhood to adulthood. There was no in between. To me and to Alex and Brett Harris the teenage years have become this leeway of excuses and exemptions. “Oh they’re just being a teenager.” How many times have you heard that one? Well yeah but they don’t HAVE to act like that. I truly believe they can be taught differently but we have so given into the exemption of the teens. The expectations for teenagers are SO LOW! I mean people are surprised to hear about a teenager who doesn’t drink or who doesn’t cuss. It’s a rarity. It’s so heartbreaking!
Through Him, we are capable of changing the world and I believe with all my heart that you can change the world when you are a teenager just as much as when you are an adult.
I am so thankful for every year of my teens. They were rough and no where close to pretty, but there are things I could list out that I learned every year. I am so blessed! It’s a bittersweet parting but I suppose it’s time.
I am giving my twenties to You, Lord- Here I am, use me!!
#TurningTwenty #Expectations #Teens #Rebelution #GrowingUp #DoHardThings #TeenageExpectations #Birthday #Teenager