Sweet Little Tuesday
In launching our new website in January 2024, our blog posts from our previous website (starting in June 2013, the summer Girl Talk began) were not transferred. We had the option of copying and pasting every blog post one by one. While all so relevant and important to the growth of Girl Talk, reading the thoughts, words and prayers of 19-year-old Amy throughout the beginning of Girl Talk; figuring out college and how life would look completely different; turning 20 and all the 20s would hold… I (Amy) decided what was most important to begin with were the posts beginning in 2019. This is the year Jesus became so real to me that I could not believe I had ever known Him before. The year 2019 is when Jesus began moving me into trusting Him completely in going solely full-time with Girl Talk. He brought Lindsey and me together and through our relationship, He began His Heart Surgery (figuratively) on me. All because I finally was able to see Who I was in Him after a childhood and teenage years into my 20s fighting the enemy’s lies and attacks, insecurities and doubts. Not because I had never known Him before but because after all those years spent with Him, I was beginning to see His Heart for me. The post we will begin with is the start of that, “Free in Jesus.” But I did want to share the very first blog post made in 2013. The first summer of Girl Talk was ending and I loved reading these words, putting myself back in the shoes of 19-year-old Amy who was looking ahead to her sophomore year of college that would never come not knowing all the joy that was ahead in following the Lord in full-time ministry through all He had/has in store with Girl Talk Ministries. I had no clue the message I shared that week at Girl Talk would be the message Jesus carried with me throughout my 20s as I walked a life that looked completely different than I thought it would as I watched my friends walk the life I thought I would have with them. As we look ahead to year 12 of Girl Talk Ministries, and I turn 30 this month, thank you for being on this journey with us. Thank you for supporting us.
19-year-old Amy had no clue all “I am so pumped that it isn’t over and I get to spend the rest of my life ministering to the people God puts in my path!” would mean and I am so thankful Jesus always did. None of this would be possible without Jesus, Lindsey Reed Curl and the countless others who have been with us from the beginning, those who are walking with us now and all who we will get to meet in the years and decades ahead. Thank you for making the joy of our lives, bringing Jesus to the lives of girls and moms, possible.
July 26, 2013
Last semester, while I was in Auburn, God began burdening my heart for my hometown Montgomery and the middle school girls in our community. As I prayed, I just really felt that burden getting stronger and stronger. I began feeling God calling me to lead a middle school girls Bible study in our city. As all my friends in Auburn were getting ready for the summer, they were getting camp counseling jobs in Colorado, Texas, etc and internships overseas, I was thinking Montgomery? Really? You led me to Auburn to lead me back to Montgomery? I trusted Him and went for it! With the encouragement, prayers, love and support from many moms, friends, and family, we started Mother’s Day weekend with a Moms and Daughters Bible study. One thing I think is so important with middle school girls is not just their relationship with Christ but their relationship with their moms. I believe if you can really connect with Christ in middle school and you can strengthen your faith now, you can make it through anything satan throws at you. And if you can allow your mom to not just be your disciplinary but allow her disciple you in middle school, high school will be so much easier.
Last Tuesday, July 23, was our second to last Bible study for the summer. We were starting at 4 and at 3:26, my nerves were shot out the roof for the first time since the beginning. As the 37 girls who came that day began piling in and getting louder and louder, I’m stuffing my face with chex mix, chugging a Dr. Pepper in the kitchen trying to act like my hands weren’t shaking out of control! I texted a prayer warrior and got a quick pep talk from that amazing woman of God and I was good to go. Talking about jealousy last week was a hit close to home and a request from many girls! I had no talking, no interruptions, just a whole lot of eyes and a whole lot of what seemed to be listening. It was amazing! I don’t know how much they heard me say but it really seemed like they were listening! Talking about Leah and Rachel, I learned myself that jealousy only destroys you because most the time you are jealous of something that person can’t help. Leah and Rachel spent their whole lives jealous of each other for what the other one had. Rachel died giving birth, which she envied Leah for and begged God for. And Leah was envious of Jacob’s love never realizing she had it, being the one buried next to him. They worried so much about what they didn’t have that they never enjoyed what God had given them. You aren’t going to have everything, you’re not going to have everything you want but don’t waste the time you do have and the blessings you do have worrying about what you don’t have.
I love my girls! It is the last place I ever saw myself, but it’s now the only place I want to be! I couldn’t imagine spending my summer doing anything else! I am so pumped that it isn’t over and I get to spend the rest of my life ministering to the people God puts in my path! Thanks for being on this journey with me!
Xo Amy